BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//TYPO3/NONSGML Calendar Base (cal) V2.0.0//EN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT UID:www.mysite.com_1_321 DTSTAMP:20160405T094951 DTSTART:20160601T094000Z DTEND:20160601T101000Z CATEGORIES:KALENDER Startseite, KALENDER Aktuelles SUMMARY:LunchTalks@Beuth DESCRIPTION:These open-invitation talks are 30-minute events offered during Wednesday lunch breaks\, thus enabling everyone of the Beuth community to attend. Presentations last 15-20 minutes with additional time provided for questions and discussions. Presentations concern captivating topics regarding Education\, Society\, Business\, Science and Engineering. Everyone – students\, administrative staff\, and university teachers – is cordially invited to attend.\r\n\r\n"Business Ethics\, an Oxymoron? How Dirty Are Business Ethics?" - Prof. Dr. Matthias Schmidt (Professor of Management in Dept. I\, Managing Director of the Institute for Value-Based Management (IWU Berlin))\r\n\r\nBusiness success is more than the creation of economic value. Sustainable companies must also reflect economic and social developments in an ethical manner. Crucial for the long-term success of a contemporary organization is that it exercises corporate social responsibility in particular with precisely this form of values-orientation.\r\n\r\nFurther information on planned lunch talks: LOCATION:Haus Gauß, Raum B 032 ORGANIZER;CN="Beuth Hochschule": END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR

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